Jeep Rental St John

Jeep Rental St John

We have here some general information on how to find car or jeep rental companies in the St John, Virgin Islands. The most important tip here is BOOK A CAR RENTAL BEFORE YOUR DATE OF TRAVEL! Demand for car rental in the Virgin Islands, including St. John, tends to be high, and supply does not always provide for the number of travelers looking for car rental in St John VI.

Google Search ‘Jeep Rental St John’

Cruz Bay Ferry Dock

You will find that all rental companies are near the Cruz Bay Ferry Dock (marker shown on the GOOGLE MAP LINK FOR CRUZ BAY FERRY DOCK).

Contact Information

Once you identify potential car rental on St. John island, you can contact them directly to inquire about rates, availability, and any specific requirements. For example, on St. John jeep rental companies require a 3-day minimum rental. If the rental car company is not located within walking distance from the Cruz Bay Ferry Dock, many are willing to pick their customers up at the ferry and transport them to their office to complete paperwork and be on their way.

St Thomas Airport

There are some car rental companies associated with the airport. If you’re arriving at the Cyril E. King Airport on St. Thomas, you can also check with rental desks and local rental agencies within or around the airport terminal. Some travelers prefer to rent on St. Thomas to grocery shop on St. Thomas before heading to St. John.

Reviews and Recommendations

Read reviews from other travelers or seek recommendations from online forums, social media groups, or friends who have visited St. John. Personal experiences can give you insights into the reliability of different jeep rental companies of St John Virgin Islands.

St John Vacation Rentals

Contact with the property manager, hotel, or other St John accommodations where you’ll be staying. They might have partnerships or recommendations for car rental services.


This may be a better option than asking the host directly. Often the guidebooks posted on St. John Airbnbs may provide a directory or rental agencies and other local business information.


Hosts from VR BO St John may not be the best source. They probably don’t utilize St John car rentals much because they have their own transportation, and therefore no need for, or perhaps much experience in, renting a car on St. John Virgin Islands.

Taxis in St. John

In case you don’t get a rental for your entire stay, you can always get a taxi, however it will not be as cost efficient or time efficient as having your own transportation. There is no such thing as Uber or Lyft here. Here is a LINK TO VIEW TAXI RATES ON ST JOHN USVI.

Keep in mind that the availability of car rental companies and their services may have changed since my last update. So for the best information, always check the most recent sources directly for rates, availability and booking using the GOOGLE MAP LINKED HERE.

We offer St John Virgin Islands Vacation Rentals by Owner – Book Direct on this website.

Restaurants St John are listed here



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